Brave New Gerbil

#BraveNewGerbil came to herself at the beginning of a hallway, that appeared to have no end. She gazed about for a moment finding rough stone walls and a dirt floor. She only had one way to go, so her journey began.

She pushed ahead investigating the rooms that appeared on either side of the hallway. She saw gerbils fighting for dominance. She was not afraid of being hurt in the fray, but she had no desire to harm others and so her journey continued.

She came upon another room filled with food. She noticed some gerbils consuming food gluttonously, while others survived on scraps. She could discern no reason why some benefited more than others. She was beckoned by the gluttons to join them. She would not and so her journey continued.

She investigated many rooms as she moved down the seemingly infinite hallway. Some rooms where mad eyed gerbils greedily protected shiny metals or gems. Some rooms where gerbils in blue suits, with red ties, argued endlessly about everything and accomplished nothing.

As she moved down the hallway, she had many opportunities to benefit, personally, by entering a room but always the cost was too high and so her journey continued.

As she traveled the hallway changed around her, stone walls gave way to concrete and then steel. The dirt floor transitioned to wood, then obsidian. Finally, she stood at another precipice as the floor turned to light and the walls gave way to an endless void.

An older gerbil sat at the border, his simple wooden chair leaned against the wall as he reclined precipitously back, apparently dozing. She reached to shake him awake and his head lifted revealing a warm smile.

"Haven't found a room to your liking?" #BraveNewGerbil shook her head in the negative looking forward and back.

The older gerbil said, "nothing but possibilities before you."

#BraveNewGerbil replied "Will it be better?"

The older gerbil shrugged, "that is up to you! The fact that you weren't drawn to any of the opportunities before this place gives me hope. Hope that you, and other truly brave gerbils like you, will make it better", and so her journey continued.

Token ID: 33
Scarcity: 18
Born: April 2023
Released: Episode 45
Author: @DorkLovesSports

AR compatible - Download the Artivive app, point it at the image of Brave New Gerbil and she will come to life in front of you