The Gerbil Cage

The NonFunGerbils consists of 3 contracts, the first 2 on Ethereum
v1 is 0xd7431870AdA2F9F0053180610974f63bf8E9F504 and holds Gerbils 1-17
v2 is 0xe82ec4b42e78f67118443c1be824b07b5a8e5716 and holds Gerbils 18-27
V3 is on Flow and holds gerbils 28 onwards (see collection on Flowty)

Special edition Gerbils in different contracts
G-Ra - Created on Bullionix backed by DGX gold tokens
Pending Gerbil - Collaboration with Hackatao on Known Origin

Lisbon Gerbils 2024

Click image for more details

Featuring: Brego, DragoNate
Token ID: 37
Scarcity: TBC
Born: 26 May 2024
Released: NFC Lisbon 2024

Censored Gerbil (physical + 1of1 NFT)

Click image for story

Artist: Hueviews
Video: Bananakin
Token ID: 36
Scarcity: 1
Born: 23 May 2024
Released: Episode 50
Author: @DaarvidRules

Censored Gerbil (multi-edition)

Click image for story

Artist: Hueviews
Animation: Bananakin
Token ID: 35
Scarcity: 18
Born: 7 April 2024
Released: Episode 50
Author: @DaarvidRules

Castle Party Gerbil

Click image for story

Token ID: 34
Scarcity: 100
Born: 1 Sept 2023
Released: Trevor Jones Castle Party 2023
Author: @thirdman_gareth

Brave New Gerbil

Click image for story

Token ID: 33
Scarcity: 18
Born: April 2023
Released: Episode 45
Author: @DorkLovesSports

The Ordinal Gerbil

Click image for story

Token ID: 32
Scarcity: 13
Born: 12 March 2023
Released: Episode 44
Author: @ethstake32

Pepe Gerbil (personalised physical & NFT)

Click image for story

Artist: @Pepelangelo
Token ID: 31
Scarcity: 6
Born: 10 Aug 2022
Released: 10 Aug 2022

REKT Gerbil

Click image for story

Token ID: 30
Scarcity: 17
Born: 14 Oct 2022
Released: Episode 39
Author: @Alanfalcon

The Gerbil Who Lost His Seeds

Click image for story

Token ID: 28
Scarcity: 16
Born: 14 Oct 2022
Released: 14 January 2022
Collaboration: @songadaymann
Author: @Small_Time_Bets

Bear Gerbil

Click image for story

Artist: Stina Jones
Token ID: 27
Scarcity: 16
ERC721 v2 token range: 384-405
Born: 21 September 2021
Released: Episode 34
Author: @Hentschel86

That’s Hot Gerbil

Click image for story

Token ID: 26
Scarcity: 22
Animated by: @SOXAvisual
ERC721 v2 token range: 384-405
Born: 8 July 2021
Released: Episode 33
Author: @JennyCWilliams_ & @The_Flaz

FOMO Gerbil

Click image for story

Token ID: 25
Scarcity: 24
ERC721 v2 token range: 360-383
Born: 8 June 2021
Released: To #FOMOGerbil MEME creators
Author: @SassyToken

$WHALE Gerbil

It's a bash, a whale splash!
Tokens aplenty, no use for cash.
Cruise on by, we're here to learn -
and don't be shy, there's play-to-earn!
Much love whale fam, we HODL to play
with new adventures most every day.
We've got dolphins, sharks, whale, mork and e1337 - the liquidity pools are super sweet.
Art of all kinds, and the whale kids
masterpieces displayed on the fridge.
There's fun for all, with room to grow
be sure to tune in for the $WHALE FM show!
It's amazing to think, after all of this fun
that the $WHALE Community just completed Year One!
Happy Birthday $WHALE!!!

Token ID: 24
Scarcity: 5
ERC721 v2 token range: 355-359
Born: 18 May 2021
Released: Whale Community 1st Birthday
Author: @Rudem00se

Elon Gerbil

#ElonGerbil has big dreams,
There's more to him that Doge in memes.
When he was just a gerbil pup,
He decided the best direction was up.
Travels tunnels at Mach five,
Might be the smartest Gerbil alive.With his laced up little cyborg brain,
He could be anything but Mundane.
Only eats with a silver spoon,
He has no plans to stop at the Moon.
He showed us how he linked the stars,
Now we're heading off to Mars

Token ID: 23
Scarcity: 23
ERC721 v2 token range: 332-354
Born: 25 April 2021
Released: Episode 32
Author: @SassyToken

Fondue Gerbil

Click image for story

Artist: Lapin Mignon
Token ID: 22
Scarcity: 34
ERC721 v2 token range: 298-331
Born: 20 March 2021
Released: Episode 31
Author: @snail0x

Baller Gerbil

#BallerGerbil used to be in debt,

until one day he discovered wall street bets
now #ballerGerbil rakes in the cheese
and brought the hedge funds down to their knees
So next time your tempted to short-sell a share
think of #BallerGerbil and don't flipping dare!

Token ID: 21
Scarcity: 16
ERC721 v2 token range: 248-263
Born: 20 March 2021
Released: Episode 29
Author: @Walshy_Eth

The Gerbil of Wall Street

Since trading penny stocks, racking up commissions
The Gerbil of WallStreet is increasing his positions.
BTC! he was an early adopter
Now he's flying to the office in a mini helicopter.
Ethereum delirium he got in on that too
so it's Rolex on his wrist and paws in Jimmy Choo.
He's flipped more times than Pranksy, he's a true OG
He even schooled Whaleshark on how to NFT
The party in his Metamask wallet is jumping
Higher than the moon with his Alts a pumping.
He's running with the bulls can't bear to be a bear
So pay some respect to this gerbil Billionaire

Token ID: 20
Scarcity: 15
ERC721 v2 token range: 217-231
Born: ? February 2021
Released: Episode 28
Author: @The_Flaz

Elf Gerbil

Click image for story

Token ID: 19
Scarcity: 16
ERC721 v2 token range: 201-216
Born: 25 December 2020
Released: Episode 26
Author: @black_echo32

Santa Gerbil

Christmas eve eve eve, Santa’s practice run goes splendidly with his new NFT gifts. He is now ready for the big night!

Token ID: 18
Scarcity: 200
ERC721 v2 token range: 1-200
Born: 22 December 2020
Released: Pranksy’s 2020 Advent Calendar

Rug Pull Gerbil

Click image for story

Token ID: 17
Scarcity: 19
ERC721 token range: 312-330 
Born: 2 December 2020
Released: Episode 25
Written by: @GhostAgent

1 of 1 Gerbil

'You're all different'
'Yes we are all different'
'I'm not'

Token ID: 16
Scarcity: 1
ERC721 token ID: 311
Born: 16 October 2020
Released: Episode 22
Collaboration: Alotta Money

Farmer Gerbil

Farmer Gerbil had a pool
DeFi Defi Oh!
And in that pool arrived 3 bots
Sell High, Buy Low, Go!
With the #UNII coin here
And the #RARI coin there
Here a bot, there a bot
Everywhere a bot bot
Farmer Gerbil had a pool
filled with $WHALE coin - HODL!

Token ID: 15
Scarcity: 18
ERC721 token range: 293-310
Born: 16 October 2020
Released: Episode 22
Written by: @Rudem00se

Forking Gerbil

“Fork the forking forkers!” Cried #ForkinGerbil to the maximalists. Just then, @rogerkver stepped up with his fork. “Fork You!” The crowd screamed. Then, @CraigWright and @CalvinAyre stepped up with an even shittier fork. “Fork Off!” Yelled the crowd.

Then Satoshi stepped forward with his fork of all fiat currencies. The crowd went wild. “FORK YEAH!” They cheered! #ForkingGerbil had found the worthy fork.

Token ID: 14
Scarcity: 16
ERC721 token range: 277- 292
Born: 28 September 2020
Released: Episode 20
Animated by: @DragoNateYT
Written by: @An0nym0usNobody

Treasure Hunt Gerbil

Click image for story

Token ID: 13
Scarcity: 43
ERC721 token range: 234-276
Born: 23 August 2020
Given away: The NonFunGerbils hosted WIP 30 Jul 2020
Written by: @thirdmandesign

Pending Gerbil

The #PendingGerbil drew his breath nervously. Fail Dropped Dropped and Replaced There were nothing in this world he feared more.

He looked at the chords that crossed the abyss in front of him. They were loaded with pending gerbils, clinging for their life. No open space to be seen.

The world machine creaked under the load. As the wheel turned and settled on a new block with a load bang, the chords vibrated, and short shrieks were heard as tired paws lost their grip and the gerbils fell into oblivion.

#PendingGerbil closed his eyes, sent a short prayer to @VitalikButerin, and took the leap.

Artist: Hackatao
Scarcity: 23
Born: 29 July 2020
Released: Episode 19
Minted on:
Written by: @Werekitty1

Liberty Gerbil

The gerbils were running in their hamster wheels in their locked cages. The bloodshot eyes were staring unfocused, the green liquid on the bottles strapped to the cage were dripping straight into their vein and made them understand that the only thing to do, was to keep running.

The world machine was creaking on the hinges, close to collapse. The Flash of neon lights from barely working commercial signs were the only light in the room. The Vision came to them each night, and sometimes even through hallucinations during day.

They saw the #LibertyGerbil. Breaking up the cages, crushing the wheels and the bottles, splashing green liquid everywhere. And showing them the way out to the cave, to sunlight and the smell of fresh air.

Token ID: 12
Scarcity: 20
ERC721 token range: 214-233
Born: 2 July 2020
Given away: Episode 17
Written by: @Werekitty1


She was the beloved gerbil pet of the chief of the mysterious city of El Dorado. One autumn day, She fell ill and the chief prayed day and night for a full week for her recovery, but She edged ever closer to death with each passing hour.

On the seventh day of prayer, when it was clear that She would not get better, the earth split... directly beneath the gerbil. A geyser of liquid gold spewed out, sending She flying and forcing the city folk to run for cover as it enveloped the city in gold. The chief did not run for cover, and instead cried tears of grief and anger as the molten gold rained down on him. His final thought was that the gods had forsaken him.

But he had not been forsaken. The golden geyser had lifted She to unimaginable heights, and held her in place high above the city. As she soaked in warm sunlight and bounced on an unending outpouring of gold, she began to transform into a being of pure golden light.

She marveled at the city below, and the transformation it was undergoing. Then she felt a presence surrounding her. It was the spirit of her former owner, the chief of the City of El Dorado, whose soul now fused with her own. Together, they became G-Ra, the mystical Golden Gerbil, spreader of warmth, and protector of El Dorado.

Heroes edition on Bullionix: #1
2 gold coin varations
Scarcity: 1 of 5 and 1 of 10
Born: 11 June 2020
Distribution: Mintable with DGX on Bullionix
Written by: @Alanfalcon

Moon Gerbil

#MoonGerbil is dreaming the same dream again.....'Houston, The Gerbil has landed....Eth is up 1000%...beep...It's one small step for gerbil.....a giant leap for gerbil-kind....Wait....What?....Houston we have a problem'. He wakes. It's not real...again......'WEN MOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!'

Token ID: 11
Scarcity: 14
ERC721 token range: 200-213
Born: 5 June 2020
Given away: Episode 15
Written by: @The_Flaz

Prepper Gerbil

Prepper Gerbil has elements from all of the entries which can be read here

Token ID: 10
Scarcity: 16
ERC721 token range: 184-199
Born: Episode 19 May 2020
Given away: Episode 13
Written by: @The_Flaz, @Werekitty1, @thirdmandesign, @Alanfalcon, @An0nym0usNobody, @BinaryAssets, @Flowbot44, @logic_beer, @j1mmyeth

Unicorn Gerbil

Unicorn gerbil was the last of the majestic unicorns to bring light, love and crypto adoption into the world.

Unicorn gerbil stays hidden in the majestic forests and uses its unicorn power to ward off scam coins in the crypto space and teach everyone about NFTs and their value.

Token ID: 9
Scarcity: 14
ERC721 token range: 170-184
Born: 10 April 2020
Given away: Episode 11
Written by: @TechnikoArt

Counterfeit Gerbil

Click image for story

Token ID: 8
Scarcity: 17
Token range: 153 - 169
Born: 20 February 2020
Given away: Episode 10
Written by: @NiftyReport

Defi Gerbil

She used to Occupy Wall Street, but what her fellow protestors didn’t know was that only weeks prior she’d been a high powered queen of the finance world, stepping all over the boys club and raking in riches.

But it never felt quite right. Protesting wasn’t quite right either. One day she bred two pictures of digital cats together and it clicked: in this permission-less digital world, anything was possible.

She got to work building and when she was done, she was leading a mob of the people that were taking Wall Street down by making them irrelevant.

They were making trades without the bankers acting as greedy, corrupt middle-men. They were funding projects & interacting with staking and bonding curves and quadratic voting. No longer the Gerbil of Wall Street, DeFi Gerbil had helped the people to truly own their own finance.

Token ID: 7
Number of Defi Gerbils: 11
ERC721 token range: 142-152
Born: 31 January 2020
Given away: Episode 9
Written by: @Alanfalcon

Zero Knowledge Gerbil

ZKgerbil is very elusive. She's only spotted if you can prove you're not a cat. To prove you're not a cat, you need to partially communicate with her through a mathematical message, derived from the output of a transaction with a dog.

Should the dog show excitement above a certain threshold. Then there is proof of cat and she will not appear. You'll have to try again with a marmot.

Token ID: 6
Number of ZK Gerbils: 13
ERC721 token range: 129-141
Born: 11 January 2020
Given away: Episode 7
Written by: @JoeTheMartian

Xmas Gerbils - 3k-sq.png

George & Luke Christmas Gerbils

Given away as a special edition via twitter.

Token ID: 5
Number of George & Luke Xmas Gerbils: 65
ERC721 token range: 64-128
Born: 25 December 2019
Given away: Christmas 2019

100xLeverage Gerbil's trembling paw hovered excitedly over the 'Execute Trade' button. Relaaaax, he told himself. You've DYOR. Two separate twitter accounts had said RodentCoin was, quote 'due for a pump'! The charts dont lie they said. Something about wicks and wedges they said. Ignore that little voice whispering 'rekt...rekt...rekt'. Heroes know when to pull the trigger. Imagine yourself telling Mrs Gerbil. 'Honey, get packing, we're moving to a bigger cage. No one will mistake us for hamsters ever again'.
Time to go all in. The button is pressed. Hmm, immediate big drop, 'that's normal right?', give it time. 'Hey, where's my trade??? What's this??

Alexa, what is Margin Call?'

Token ID: 4
Number of 100x Leverage Gerbils: 14
ERC721 token range: 50-63
Born: 3 December 2019
Given away: Episode 6
Written by: @The_Flaz

HODL Gerbil

I will hug her & pet her & squeeze her & never let her go, even if she is naughty and bites me, or poops in my hand, or scratches my eyes out. She is mine and I will hodl onto her for evermore until she grows. This is my #HODLgerbil and her name is LamboMoon.

Token ID: 3
Number of HODL Gerbils: 9
ERC721 token range: 41-49
Born: 5 Novermber 2019
Given away: Episode 4
Written by: @thegoodnunes

Click image for story

Token ID: 2
Number of ICO Gerbils: 15
ERC721 token range: 26-40
Born: 8 October 2019
Given away: Episode 3
Written by: @Alanfalcon

Genesis Gerbil

Genesis (Adam) Gerbil was alone, and bored, and hungry, but that’s another matter. The Gerbi-net was a confusing place and he had no one to discuss with him the great questions he had. What is the value of a gerbil?
Is a fun one better than a non-fun one? Where is the peanut butter? Surely two Gerbils would be better than one - and many gerbils better than none. The button sat mutely daring him to press it. So Adam pressed the button.

Token ID: 1
Number of Genesis Gerbils: 25
ERC721 token range: 1-25
Born: 13 September 2019
Given away: Episode 2
Written by: @thirdmandesign