Elf Gerbil

As Gertrude the gerbil lay in her elf bed She pondered her life, inside her elf head
Making all things for the children to play with and enjoy, How could she gift NFTs, they weren’t really a toy?
With the pandemic persistent, and social distance a thing. Gertrude drummed up a plan as joyous as she.
She'd gift the kids kitties, of the crypto kind Giving out fancies for all of them to find
Waking up on Christmas day, checking their latest breeds They'd find all the gifted fancies, running through their feeds
Gertrude was pleased , but what fancies would she use? She'd have to call her friend, favorite streamer @rudem00se!
They picked out the fancies each kid would like best. And sent them on their way, she really was impressed.
On Christmas Day , as fancies found new owners, @rudem00se was pleased, at what Gertrude had shown her
That elf gerbils really are the most giving of creatures, and to top it all off, Gertrude rocked some cool sneakers!

Token ID: 19
Scarcity: 16
ERC721 v2 token range: 201-216
Born: 25 December 2020
Released: Episode 26
Author: @black_echo32


This was a special edition colour your own NonFunGerbil, there is one of each (plus one accidental misprint duplicate)