In a special collaboration with Song-A-Day Jonathan Mann

The Gerbil Who Lost His Seeds

Gary the gerbil loved collecting
Mommy said that was the gerbil way
In the metaverse Gary started connecting
To many other gerbils who did this all day

First punks, then apes, then a fuckin' troll
Before long, his collection was out of control
He remembered his mommy and those words she had said
"Don't spill your seed for anyone, lose them and you're dead"

Gary thought he knew better, he was a degen after all
He'd stored his seeds somewhere, he knew where, he was sure
Then winter came and when it had thawed
He looked for his seeds where he thought they were stored

Oh no, they were gone. He did not know why
Other gerbils knew Gary was NGMI

Token ID: 28
Scarcity: 16
ERC721 v2 token range: 406 -
Born: TBC
Released: 14 January 2022
Collaboration: @songadaymann
Author: @Small_Time_Bets

IPFS Image -

1 of 1 Song-A-Day Token -

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