Fondue Gerbil

Fiona was a sweet mild mannered Gerbil who lived a carefree life at No. 23 Sugerlane Road, London.
Her owners were Mr and Mrs Brown (wait is Snail stealing this from Paddington Bear?) Anyway, one day Mr and Mrs Brown were having a small 70’s themed party Balloon

The evening of the party arrived and Fiona was placed safely on top of a bookcase above the Fondue Set. But alas Mr Brown’s hand caught the cage catch without him noticing.

Whilst everyone was dancing, Fiona crawled out of the cage and fell into the Fondue with a spoosh.

‘Quick’ cried Mrs Brown - Mr Brown pulled poor Fiona out by her tail. She was covered in cheese fondue from head to tail.

To everyone’s relief Fiona was in shock, but overall fine.

Or was she...

Later that evening, whilst the Brown’s were asleep, Fiona woke up in a sweat. A transformation had happen....Her DNA DNA had completely change.. (this is basically just Spider-Man now isn’t it...)

Fiona had changed into #FondueGerbil, able to melt cheese and turn slowly in a circle.

A new superhero was born. Fighting the injustice of British cheese and plain hard cheeses everywhere.

Token ID: 22
Scarcity: 34
ERC721 v2 token range: 298-331
Born: 20 March 2021
Released: Episode 31
Author: @snail0x

Immutable Image -

AR compatible - Download the Artivive app, point it at the image of Fondue Gerbil and he will come to life in front of you