Defi Gerbil

She used to Occupy Wall Street, but what her fellow protestors didn’t know was that only weeks prior she’d been a high powered queen of the finance world, stepping all over the boys club and raking in riches.

But it never felt quite right. Protesting wasn’t quite right either. One day she bred two pictures of digital cats together and it clicked: in this permission-less digital world, anything was possible.

She got to work building and when she was done, she was leading a mob of the people that were taking Wall Street down by making them irrelevant.

They were making trades without the bankers acting as greedy, corrupt middle-men. They were funding projects & interacting with staking and bonding curves and quadratic voting. No longer the Gerbil of Wall Street, DeFi Gerbil had helped the people to truly own their own finance.

Token ID: 7
Number of Defi Gerbils: 11
ERC721 token range: 142-152
Born: 31 January 2020
Given away: Episode 9
Written by: @Alanfalcon