Rug Pull Gerbil

Rug pull gerbil
was in deep trouble
but it wasn’t he who made the bubble
he just made the bubble pop

sure he pamped
sure he shilled
it was his token even still

he got a little high on his own supply

but that was just dog foodin
didn’t mean nothin by it

ringing the bells
blowing the whistles
stress testing all was bona fide
but then the speculators
circled like hungry sharks
pushed the chart in a parabolic arc

it was them damned token vultures
that swooped in low
and shopped it til it dropped

he never wanted to make mom and pop token farmer cry
but the snow was thick and deep and he had lambos to buy

Token ID: 17
Scarcity: 19
ERC721 token range: 312-330 
Born: 2 December 2020
Released: Episode 25
Written by: @GhostAgent

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