Elon Gerbil

#ElonGerbil has big dreams,
There's more to him that Doge in memes.
When he was just a gerbil pup,
He decided the best direction was up.
Travels tunnels at Mach five,
Might be the smartest Gerbil alive.With his laced up little cyborg brain,
He could be anything but Mundane.
Only eats with a silver spoon,
He has no plans to stop at the Moon.
He showed us how he linked the stars,
Now we're heading off to Mars

Token ID: 23
Scarcity: 23
ERC721 v2 token range: 332-354
Born: 25 April 2021
Released: Episode 32
Author: @SassyToken

Immutable Image - https://arweave.net/DRTDQx05-xkbkg2JsSsqPxZGaHaI1Q-g2WUEBLwGglY

AR compatible - Download the Artivive app, point it at the image of Elon Gerbil and he will come to life in front of you