FOMO Gerbil

FOMO Gerbil was the first you see,
The concept gerbil a real OG.
The original NonFunGerbil by design,
He always thought that he would be fine.
But FOMO Gerbil lives in fear,
“You missed out” said the voice in his ear.
Hoping he bought crypto in time,
He watched the chart climb and climb.
Then off a cliff those number fall,
He bangs his head against the wall.
“You were too soon” The voices laugh,
As he looks in horror at the graph.
When he gets nervous he chews his claws,
And fiddles around with his paws.
From that day on he could never sleep,
He knew missing out would make him weep.
He worries every single day,
He’s worrying his life away.
He dreams of FOMO every night,
He worried so much his fur turned white.
But the future is bright on FOMO’s path,
The graph is just about to to ATH!

Token ID: 25
Scarcity: 24
ERC721 v2 token range: 360-383
Born: 11 June 2021
Released: To #FOMOGerbil MEME creators on Twitter
Author: @SassyToken

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AR compatible - Download the Artivive app, point it at the image of FOMO Gerbil and he will come to life in front of you