#0 The Introduction to NonFunGerbils
The NonFunGerbils
TThe NonFunGerbils are digitally scarce gerbils represented by non-fungible NonFunGerbil tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.
They are given away on the NonFunGerbils podcast. Heres how it works:
The name of the next gerbil is given at the end of each podcast
Descriptions for the gerbil are submitted by the listeners via Twitter
The funniest / most entertaining entry becomes the official description for the gerbil. The token will have the winning entry written within the token
Our brilliant illustrator will then create beautiful artwork to match the winning description
All of the top descriptions, as decided by the podcast hosts, get sent one of those rare NonFunGerbil tokens
The scarcity of each set of NonFunGerbil tokens depends on how many entertaining entries are submitted
The NonFunGerbils Podcast
The NonFunGerbils Podcast explores the world of non-fungible assets and the growing decentralised economy.
Each week Luke & George host an interesting guest who is involved in the space
Different NFT (non-fungible token) projects are explored during ‘Show & Tell’
The funniest descriptions submitted for the previous Gerbil are read out and the winner announced
The next NonFunGerbil’s name is revealed along with any specific guidelines